Our Partners
We imagine solutions for every problem we care about and put them into practice: our projects are written and implemented to change the world. We and our partners choose each other based on this premise. Whether we want to implement a social project together or accompany them on a journey to enhance their impact, each partner is always a new world and a new piece of the road.
Here are some of the partners which we have been lucky enough to work with.
Cooperativa Sociale 'Il Pungiglione'
European Civil Society for Education
Fair Trade Advocacy Office
World Fair Trade Organization
Lega Pro
Migrant Integration Center Brasov
Green Elephant Foundation
Equo Garantito
Pro Arbeit
Young Women Network
Università del Piemonte
Manager Italia
Centro Arti Terapie
Fenice Onlus
Asociata de Tineri din Ardeal
Università Mediterranea LUM
Center Parteneriat Pentru
Azienda Sociale Comuni Insieme
Zentrum Integration und Bildung
IKF Malmo
Radosas Idejas
Valore D
Fondazione Empatia