The Impact Initiative

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The relationship between the nonprofit sector and those who have the resources to support it has great room for improvement.

Project School’s IMPACT Initiative was created

    1. to bring those who have the resources to really change the world to use them in a way that is informed, effective, competent, and maximizes their impact;
    2. and to give third-sector professionals the resources, time, confidence and freedom to do what, from their privileged perspective, and based on their experience in the field, has the greatest impact.

Matching the change-makers

The IMPACT Initiative develops tailored solutions and innovative funding programs for all funders (corporations, philanthropic entities, large donors, institutions, individuals) who want to identify and concretely support the best realities and projects on the field.

We build our solutions in partnership with those who share this vision and have the desire to work to put them into practice, with our help.

If you would like to talk to us about the IMPACT INITIATIVE, write to us at:

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